How Does Hitler Use Propaganda In Lord Of The Flies

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When it comes to troubles in government, no one really knows who to turn to. During Germany’s Depression in 1939, German dictator Adolf Hitler rose to power. While obtaining power, he managed to gain many followers, which allowed him to stay in power. ADD MORE, USE A CITATION. William Golding’s story Lord of the Flies. The novel tells the story about a group of premature boys who crash and are stranded on an island, where they need to survive. BLAH BLAH BLAH... it is shown that dictatorships rise through implementing authoritarian ideology into society. What does he want omg idk UGH

One way a dictatorship can rise through authoritarian ideologies are through the creation of enemies. In other words, creating enemies allows dictators to make …show more content…

Hitler had used propaganda to insert fear into Germany’s society. In one of the sections of Mein Kampf, a book Hitler wrote while in prison, it says "Propaganda tries to force a doctrine on the whole people... Propaganda works on the general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes them ripe for the victory of this idea." He used this book as one of the first uses of propaganda to spread his ideas (Nazi Propaganda 1). Also while writing Mein Kampf, he broadcasted the idea of the Aryan Race. The Aryan Race was the superior look Hitler had for Germans, blonde hair and blue eyes, anyone who wasn't apart of that look, was declared poisonous to Germany. Hitler used his book full of anti-jewish passages to add fear into citizens and allow the gaining of followers (Anne Frank 2). During the story, when the boys were in a crisis, Jack had put fear into the other boys. As a way to have the other boys join him, he declared there was a beast. None of the boys really knew if there was a beast or not, but using the beast as a way to get the boys helped Jack, “ Quiet,” Shouted Jack. “You, listen, the beast is sitting up there, whatever it is” (126). This allowed the other boys to be terrified of ‘the beast’ and join him. As the story continued, he gained the boy’s trust and “and then- about the beast… I say this. We aren’t going to bother about the beast… We’re going to forget the beast” (131). Jack telling the other boys to forget the beast, still makes the other boys scared, because there is still a beast. Fear makes people do irrational things, and make irrational choices. Using propaganda and fear, that allows people to choose irrational things in times of

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