How Does Hamlet Misinterpreted Homosexual

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In the play Hamlet by Shakespeare, the topics of revenge and death are often looked at. A topic that is questioned and discussed is whether Hamlet is a closeted homosexual. Hamlet could also be giving misinterpreted signals because of the trauma and his unstable emotions. Shakespeare has placed many clues into the play about whether or not Hamlet is straight or gay. This idea is never made clear, so one could assume that Shakespeare meant for Hamlet to be bisexual. Hamlet could be bisexual because he has strong feelings for his best friend Horatio, he loves Ophelia, He pushes Ophelia away.
Firstly, We can look at Hamlet and Horatio’s relationship and how Horatio is the only person Hamlet is not lying to. We can see as the play progresses, we can tell Hamlet and Horatio have been friends for a long time, they understand each other almost completely. Hamlet has strong …show more content…

Hamlet proves his love for Ophelia by giving her various trinkets and letters. The way their relationship is portrayed, it seems that they have not been together very long but they are just in that young adult stage where no matter what one loves their partner. Hamlet and Ophelia’s relationship goes through a rough patch when Ophelia’s brother Laertes and her father Polonius disapprove of the relationship. One may find it a little weird that the only reason giving, as to why Laertes and Polonius disapprove is that they think Hamlet's feelings are not real. Hamlet claims “I loved Ophelia; forty thousand brothers,could not, with all their quantity of love, Make up my sum,” (255). In the beginning of the play we see that Polonius does not believe Hamlet’s love for Ophelia is real, but as Ophelia argues “ He hath, my lord, of late made many tenders of his affection to me” (45). As readers we can interpret this as a sign that Hamlet loves

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