How Does George Orwell Use Propaganda In The Book 1984

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This is, without a doubt, the most terrifying and disturbing children’s book I have ever read. Not just in imagery or art, but in the story and what it implies will have children thinking you deserve to be lynched. The book and the merch surrounding it uses all sorts of propaganda and manipulation to get your kids believing in a ‘god-like’ figure known as Big Brother who teaches kids murder is a perfectly understandable way of going about things, and that caring for anyone other than ‘Big Brother’ means death and punishment. But there's more.
The book itself starts off with this sense of criminalizing individual thought. Winston is rejected for thinking differently and not adoring Big Brother, so Big Brother ‘taught’ him how to think right. Part of the convincing was not only through violent punishment but this sort of band-wagoning use of conforming and that ‘it’s better to be like everyone else’! Even the ‘happy’ conformists however experienced this sort of constant fear of punishment that convinces them to conform. In the book it clearly states that the ‘Party’ ‘knew better than to think bad things about Big Brother cause they knew Big Brother wouldn’t like that’. What …show more content…

The utter and absolute ways the adoration of Big Brother is encouraged. Any deviation, caring for anyone other than Big Brother might as well be illegal(although technically there are no rules within the Party). It basically is telling your children not to care for any friends or family. Another quote; ‘Winston met Julia. Winston loved Julia. Winston and Julia tried to hide their love from Big Brother, but Big Brother sees all, and Winston and Julia were punished.’ And the ‘punishments’ were treated as something they deserved, like any and every punishment should be counted as a ‘victory’ to the other members of the party. I just don’t understand how someone could believe it’s okay to normalize this kind of gratuitous violence with kids. What is this supposed to teach

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