How Does Galilee Show Courage

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Numerous people try to achieve the goal at living heroic lives. However, these lives are compared to unrealistic stories. These stories are build around the idea of courage shining out when facing fear. The idea of losing something unhinges us and brings out our true heroic self. To show courage a person has to have strength, commitment, and fear, as Galileo Galilei, Joan of Arc, and Jem from the book To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee all demonstrated. Galileo showed commitment to being courageous by changing the scientific revolution with his own discoveries. He was brave because he challenged the church and their beliefs and used his own scientific discoveries to prove them wrong despite threats. This showed the people that they …show more content…

Maybe not with the idea of being true to yourself, but with the idea of being strong. Someone who truly demonstrated strength by having courage was Joan of Arc. She was a peasant girl who became a woman by leading the French into battle against the English. Even at a young age Joan showed strength. So, when she grew up and fought alongside the French troops, her courage became even more well known . Joan’s strength inspired me to be a stronger girl and to take action when needed. Her courage really shined out even before she went and fought. It was when she went all the way to the Dauphin of France (eldest son of the king) and told him herself that they should fight the English. No normal peasant girl would have the odasity to do that, but she did. That one spark of courage ignited her future. Joan being brave enough to go to the Dauphin of France and fight alongside her comrades taught me to be brave as well. She really is an excellent example of courage glowing out when facing …show more content…

But sometimes the deepest marks are left by the fictional characters we see ourselves in when reading our favorite books. Jem from To Kill a Mockingbird is one of those characters. He was a pre-teen boy in the 1940’s who displayed courage by overcoming his fears when in uncomfortable situations. Readers see this courage when his father, Atticus, is surrounded by a group of men wanting to kill the black man that Atticus is defending for in court. When Jem, Scout(Jem’s sister), and Dill (Jem’s friend) show up, Jem decides that he will not leave his father’s side in this situation. Even with his father pleading him to leave, Jem always responded with him shaking his head (Lee 152-153). Although, he was in grave danger, Jem wasn't going to let his father get hurt because of his own fear. The fear of losing his father overpowered his fear of losing his life. This act of courage showed and proved that courage comes out when facing something that would bring most people terror. This moment though, was only the beginning. At the end of the book readers meet up with Jem and Scout and they think that they are being followed. Someone ends up jumping out at the two kids and tries to kill them. When the attacker tries to go for Scout, the narrator (Scout) writes, “ From somewhere near by came scuffling, kicking sounds, sounds of shoes and flesh scraping dirt and roots. Someone rolled

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