How Does Fitzgerald Create Corruption In The Great Gatsby

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Symbols of Corruption
It is the dream of most Americans to grow up to be better than their parents, live a life of luxury from humble beginnings, but life in 1920 was a very different than today’s America and for most fortune came from illegal means. A lot of the government was controlled by mob bosses with connections all over big cities. Prohibition was active and bootlegging was everywhere. WHile this time period saw economic success it also saw the death of people from the middle class rising up to the top and did nothing to fix social problems such as racism. F. Scott Fitzgerald in his book The Great Gatsby uses symbolism to express his opinion that immorality was ruining America in the 1920s. As symbols many of his characters die and …show more content…

Scott Fitzgerald sees America on a dark path filled with corruption. Fitzgerald conveys that corruption is going to cause future problems in America when he writes “Dear Mr.Carraway. This has been one of the most terrible shocks of my life...I am tied up in some very important business and cannot get mixed up in this thing right now….Yours truly Meyer Wolfsheim”(Fitzgerald 166). This letter from Wolfsheim shows him abandoning Gatsby after his death via letter instead of taking the time to go in person. Wolfsheim in the novel represents criminal business in America and was indirectly the reason for Gatsby’s death. What this means is that Fitzgerald believes that corruption if left unchecked will destroy America as we know it and then continue to be present in whatever society is left. Later in the story Fitzgerald writes “I see it is a night scene by El Greco….”(Fitzgerald 176). This allusion to El Greco helps Fitzgerald convey the profound connection between all aspects of society and the American people. El Greco is a spanish artist famous for his mannerist style. Mannerism is an art style in which a normal scene is distorted to contain asymmetric or unnatural elements. This art style is used to convey a situational tension or instability. Fitzgerald believes that this political instability is present in America due to Myriad factors such as careless or organized crimes,and government corruption. This is symbolized by his characters adultery and illegal businesses. Fitzgerald then uses the climactic moment of the story to really cement his point. Gatsby’s illegal actions caused daisy to leave him and in her rage she killed Myrtle which lead to Gatsby and Wilson’s deaths. In simple terms, Fitzgerald hope for The Great Gatsby was to reveal to the public that America was in a precarious position due this rampant corruption and that one day the dam would break. In hindsight he was absolutely correct as the Great Depression

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