How Does Daisy Show Carelessness In The Great Gatsby

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The Roaring 20's: the age of dramatic and social change. The years where the nations total wealth doubled. A time of consumerism, and the years where stocks reached record peaks. The Great Gatsby depicts the 1920's perfectly. It shows the division of a town based on the abundance of money one has, and the competition between characters. Throughout the story, the characters are spaced out of reality and blinded by their wealth, which leads to their carelessness, and actions based on selfishness. Carelessness has shown its way into every single character in this story. For example, let us look at Tom and Daisy. "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy - they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back to their money or their …show more content…

First, Daisy plays Gatsby emotions. She tells him that she was going to run away with him and leave her husband, when in reality she knows she wasn't telling the truth. "“Why—how could I love him—possibly?”“You never loved him.” She hesitated. Her eyes fell on Jordan and me with a sort of appeal, as though she realized at last what she was doing—and as though she had never, all along, intended doing anything at all. But it was done now. It was too late. “I never loved him,” she said”(Chapter 7, page 235). Gatsby spent much money and many years trying to impress her, but I guess that just wasn't enough. Daisy is just a careless person who always seems to forget her actions affect other people, and in this case, being a main cause of Gatsby's death. Next, Tom's carelessness was a cause of Gatsby's death. He told Wilson that when Myrtle was killed, Gatsby was driving the car. Tom knew that Daisy was driving the car, but he wanted to get revenge on Gatsby for the whole Daisy situation, and protect his wife. Tom did now care about Gatsby at all, and let his anger and carelessness take over. Finally, Gatsby's carelessness and his blindness from reality lead to his death. He could not accept the fact that he could not have the girl of his dreams. He was too in love with Daisy, and caught up in a reality where he only saw himself, and her. He acts very carelessly with his money, spending it all on stuff that he thinks will impress Daisy. He even hides who was driving the car that killed Myrtle to protect Daisy. Gatsby's thought he could get Daisy back, and everything would just be like old times. But he was wrong, and he didn't want to believe

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