How Does Beowulf Show Loyalty

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Throughout the poem of Beowulf, he shows great loyalty in a few different passages. The first bout of loyalty is when he is a young boy, he showed his loyalty to his father from the very start when his father gave him a task of guarding a small cub in the yard and comfort him. Showing his loyalty as a young prince showed the people in his land that he will one day be a great ruler and supporter. Giving the people in his land a "Behavior that is admired" shows them that when they need someone to protect them, Beowulf will be there.

After the death of his father, Beowulf then became the keeper of the forts and became the ruler of the Danes. Beowulf "ruled the Danes for a long time after his father took leave of his life on earth". He then became father to four children and became this "fighter prince", after showing his loyalty to his kingdom his friends and kinsmen started flocking behind him and as his force of people grew so did his army. With an army growing, that meant his need to house them would grow as well. Due to the larger army he created a mead-hall, that became his throne room where he would give God-given goods to the young and old. This room of is a sacred place where no bad or cursed can reach him. …show more content…

One night after seeing the Ring-Danes settling down for a drink, Grendel was angry because some of his monster family were banished. As he grew angrier and angrier, he started wreaking havoc in the lofty house where the Ring-Danes were that night. Grendel had great powers and had destruction in the plan. He began killing the men of Beowulf's army, once the prince heard about this problem he then, stood there helpless and shocked, letting Grendel take lead of that

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