How Does Andy Dufresne Use Religion In Shawshank Redemption

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Religions role in Shawshank Redemption
The movie is about the protagonist Andy Dufresne, he was then convicted of murder, and since he is intelligent enough to point out that the warden Samuel Norton, is very religious and believes in Christianity, since the warden also “promotes” Christianity and its holy book throughout the movie.

Therefore, Andy Dufresne, gets the idea of using the religion, to be respected and therefore shielded against typical disapprovals and what’s perceived as unnecessary through the warden’s perspective. A specific period, is when he uses the religion for his own sake, when the warden conducts a complete search of Andy’s cell, and thereafter concludes that the poster of Rita Hayworth is rather inappropriate and would’ve …show more content…

Seen in perspective to the movie, the protagonist escapes too as the Jews did, and Egypt the former country of injustice and slavery is the prison, Shawshank.

One thing that indeed took time to realize, was the religious meaning behind all the innocence and meticulous details of the bible, the meaning behind the protagonist and his destiny.

It’s not a coincidence, that he was innocent but still convicted, seen in perspective that’s what happened to Jesus, convicted, arrested and crucified. While in the movie, Andy’s crucifixion are 2 life sentences and the extraction of all hope, since he was sent to Shawshank.

The 2nd element is when he, achieves to provide ice-cold beer to his inmates, to further strengthen their hope of even tasting it again, and therefore to make them less institutionalized and more like men of a free will. That’s also what Jesus did, when he offered wine instead of water. The first miracle.

What really make the religious meaning behind the movie, a lot less transparent and more visible is when Andy Dufresne, the innocent but convicted man, the man who provided hope to hundreds of inmates in Shawshank, was when he escaped from the prison, and therefore became a free

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