How Do People Build Masks In The Great Gatsby

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All of the characters in The Great Gatsby cast false fronts in order to hide behind their real feelings and opinions. They all have different motivations for doing so that become more clear as the novel continues on. Some are selfish and some are in order to spare another's feelings. Three characters that have built heavy masks for themselves are Jay Gatsby, Tom Buchanan, and Daisy Buchanan. All of them will get caught in their deceit and experience consequences for their misleading actions. Gatsby may have acquired the most extravagant and hopeful facade one has ever come across. Jay has even come as close to fully living in his disguise and losing connection with his real self. His whole life is a designed lie to make people think highly of him and to win back Daisy, the one who got away. Gatsby felt so deeply about how people viewed him, he spent a lifetime trying to acquire what he believed to be a perfect life. “I suppose he'd had the name ready for a …show more content…

Buchanan is constantly behaving contrary to his thoughts in this novel. Tom is very insecure and scrambles for control as he hides his self-confidence. He shows his distress with himself when Daisy comments on his new habit of reading “profound books” about white supremacy. Even though he was born into incredible money and privilege, he has a fear it could be taken away by social climbers. That insecurity only translates into even more obvious corruption of his power - flaunting his relationship with Myrtle, revealing Gatsby as a bootlegger, and manipulating George to kill Gatsby. Tom will face some consequences for his actions but in the end of the novel he is still able to sweep Daisy away with him. He will first be met with a brief moment of anguish when he finds out of Daisy and Jay's long rooted relationship and on top of that, he learned of his mistress moving out West. Tom will react to his uncomfortability by pleading and yelling and will eventually get his way, but probably not for much

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