How Do Christians Commit Suicide?

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To determine the kismet of Christians who commit suicide, first, one must understand how a Christian reaches heaven. Without Jesus' sacrifice, it is impossible to enter heaven; however, Christ died once and for all, for all sins, and for all people (Carmichael, 2011). Jesus paved the way so that everyone has the opportunity to accept His gift of salvation. No matter who a person is or what they have done, Jesus offers salvation to everyone. To put it simply, a person becomes a Christian when they believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior (Romans 10:9, ESV). Salvation is determined by God rather than one's self. A Christian with an eternal life in heaven could murder everyone on the planet, but if they accept God's gift, He will allow them into …show more content…

To say that suicide is an unforgivable sin means that anyone who kills themselves goes straight to hell. However, denying Jesus's gift of salvation is the only unforgivable sin (Fairchild, 2016). As previously discussed, belief in Jesus Christ is the sole determination of salvation. Henceforth, any person who is truly a Christian, even one who commits suicide, has not committed the unforgivable sin. Therefore, God can forgive a Christian of committing suicide because it is not outside of God's grace. Consequently, this answer raises a question regarding whether or not a person must confess each sin before they die. Mary Fairchild (2016) uses Scripture to back up that once a person is saved, God forgives every sin before and after salvation. Once a sin is committed, God has already forgiven it the moment that Christ died on the cross and a person acknowledges that as the only means of salvation. In effect, this means that even though a Christian does not repent after they kill themselves, God chooses to forgive them by His mercy. God's gift of forgiveness is open to all, and He does not hide it from someone who kills

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