How Do Body Images Affect Society

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Body Image in American is Causing a Significant Effect Among Teens Body image in America has created a significant impact among youth in society. In fact, they are no longer realistic results; all the political imagery and correctness has gone too far. Very large fashion industries have created a statement of what an individual should be, promoting acreating this forceful brad of how someone should look like . Fashion and cosmetic companies believe that the image being projected is the perfect visual symbolism for America. Their advertising implies that their images represent what is meant by being beautiful and desirable. Many scientists and doctors argue that it is creating a negative impact on youth in many ways, leading to poor health diagnosis and even death. In present day, many things have changed. However, portraying a certain type of body as desirable has not. This generation is being bombarded with unrealistic body images from every direction, putting pressure on American teens to look a certain way. …show more content…

I remember my family telling me how my pants would fall because no size fit me around the waist, so I would have small and tight belts to help keep the pants up. They would joke around saying I should eat more: I was too skinny; I was a stick; I was small; and they always compared me to my twin sister. She was perfect size; she ate enough; she was healthy (not that I wasn’t healthy)..) But in middle school, I hit puberty and I gained curves. I get that from my dad’s family as they have big legs and a thick body. Still my family compared me to different people. At the time, I was involved in a lot of sports so I was fit. Guys started to talk about my change; it was a huge change for me being a stick to an hourglass, metaphorically

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