How Did Ww2 Affect Canada

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The second world had a very significant effect on Canada. Canada began to gain independence through various events in World War 1. For instance, the contribution made by women during the war effort. It not until World War 2, that Canada began to shape itself into an independent country. In 1939, Canada was unprepared for war. However, the country made a vital contribution to the war effort. By 1945, Canada emerged with an important place in world affairs. Canada’s autonomy grew significantly in World War 2 because of the efforts made on the home front, international status, and their contributions to battles. Canada's autonomy grew significantly in World War 2 because of the efforts made on the home front. During the Second World War, the …show more content…

In World War 1, women served as nurses behind the front lines and made a major contribution to the war industry at home. In World War 2, they again did the same, but they also became an active part of the armed forces for the first time. Women carried out the majority of work in the nation’s factories and in the home-front military services. In some ways, women’s contributions to the labour force during World War 2 helped to expand the traditional roles of women in society. The significant change in the role of women has helped Canada's autonomy grow. The efforts made by women during the war resulted in an increase of the nation’s autonomy. In the home front, French and English Canadians have opinions that lead to the success of the war and independence of the nation. "In return for a promise of no conscription for overseas service, French Canadians reluctantly agreed to Canadian participation in WWII." The English felt it was their duty to fight for Canada and their homeland Britain during WW1. The French did not want to fight in the war which they thought had nothing to do with Canada. The French-Canadian views on

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