How Did Vikings Influence On Society

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Scandinavia is a collection of countries found in northern Europe, these countries include; Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. However, it isn’t Scandinavia herself that is a point of interest, it’s her inhabitants. The Vikings were Scandinavian pirates who terrorized much of western Europe between the 8th and 11th century. They conquered and settled in lands such as England, Scotland, and Greenland, and are best known for their iconic helmets, and intriguing gods. But like most civilizations, they dealt with complications that made it hard to live. Vikings dealt with many influences from Europe that lead to an unexpected end for their society. And so the establishment of Scandinavian royal authority, the spread of Christianity, and the downfall of the Scandinavian economy ultimately led to the end of the Viking era.

The establishment of royal authority in Scandinavia was the first of many steps leading to the downfall of
This would prove fatal to the Vikings fundamental way of life, replacing nomadic behaviours and small communities with settled kingdoms. Norse paganism was undoubtedly the most unique thing about Vikings and their culture, but that all changed when Christianity took Scandinavia by storm. Much of northern Europe is covered in rocky surfaces and mountain ranges, because of this Vikings found it difficult to be self-reliant economically, and so trade became the centre of their economy. But when trade became less profitable and travel ground to a halt, Vikings saw an early version of an economic depression. The great beast of the north, Scandinavia, was brought to her knees as royal authority replaced individually ruled fiefdoms, as Christianity dominated Norse paganism, and as its trade-reliant economy fell vulnerable to mass climate change. The once mighty nation now remains only an extension of

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