How Did Thomas Jefferson Affect The Declaration Of Independence

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Thomas Jefferson, an important individual in the 1770s, affected the Revolutionary Era by writing the Declaration of Independence and serving in the Continental Congress. Thomas Jefferson affected the Revolutionary War immensely by writing the Declaration of Independence. He was chosen to write the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress. Jefferson was appointed to a five-man committee, which would write the article and hand it in later. The declaration was all about how as Americans we rebel and become an independent country. It also explains our rights as human beings living in America. As a whole, the colonies said that the way Britain was running the colonies was unfair and biased. Then a congress was formed and drafted this composition which we know as, The Declaration of Independence! Thomas Jefferson additionally affected the Revolutionary War by joining the Continental Congress. The initial reason for creating the Continental Congress was to discuss the acts the king had put on us, which were called the “Intolerable Acts”. Afterwards, Many of the important ideas were thought of by Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. Thomas …show more content…

Virginia, one of the first thirteen colonies, was one of the largest colonies there was during the American Revolution. Jefferson was elected to two terms as the governor of Virginia. During his two terms, Jefferson fought to keep the church separate from the state. The church was attached to the state and members were forced to learn a certain religion, so Thomas Jefferson drafted the Virginia Statute for Religion in 1777. It was finally signed in 1779. The Virginia Statute for Religion disestablished the Church of England in Virginia and allowed people of all religious faiths to practice their own religion. Some of these people included Christians and

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