How Did The Weird Sisters Influence Macbeth

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Some say that you control your own actions. But for Macbeth, it is a whole different story. Although Macbeth ultimately sealed his own fate, Lady Macbeth and the Weird sisters also played a part in Macbeth’s actions. The Weird Sisters told Macbeth his prophecy, which resulting in his desire for power; Lady Macbeth pushed him to continue and questioned his manhood when he wanted to stop killing; Macbeth kept killing his foes till the very end. The Weird Sisters heavily influenced Macbeth’s decisions in the play. They were the ones that told Macbeth originally that he will be Thane of Glamis, Cawdor, and king, which eventually led him to his feat for ultimate power. If they wouldn’t have told him his prophecy, he might’ve never begun killing in the first place. Then, later in the play, The Weird Sisters summoned the apparitions to give him another prophecy: “beware Macduff.” This made Macbeth respond with “thou shalt not live” (Macduff), which led to him killing Macduff’s whole family. This proves that what the Weird sisters told Macbeth sent him on his quest for complete power over Scotland. …show more content…

Lady Macbeth pushes Macbeth on when he wanted to end his quest for power, and even questioned his manhood. When Macbeth said “we will proceed no further in this business” Lady Macbeth refuses to let him quit by saying “When you durst do it, then you were a man.” Basically, Macbeth said he was too scared to continue, and Lady Macbeth said that he would do it if he were a man. He went on to continue to question the plan, and she just kept pushing him not to give up. She also took action when Macbeth would not kill the servants. She told him to “Give me the daggers” and proceeded to kill them. If Lady Macbeth was not present in the story, Macbeth may had stuck to his original plan, which was letting his prophecy play out “without his

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