How Did The U-2 Spy Plane

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On May 1, 1960, a U-2 high altitude airplane was shot down while flying a spy mission over the Soviet Union. The U-2 incident made higher tensions between the United States and soviets through the duration of the cold war. Eisenhower had approved a plan to collect information about the Soviet Union’s capabilities. In 1956 u-2 spy planes were flying around getting visions of the soviet military facilities. One of the pilots always carried a small needle filled with poison in case he ever got captured he’d have a chance to live. Photographs taken by the spy planes were revealed that the Soviet nuclear capabilities were less advanced than there leader had claimed. The soviets new that our spy planes were in air over Russia because the planes appeared on radar. The planes were about 13 miles …show more content…

On May 5, Khrushchev announced that the Soviet army had conveyed down an American aircraft. The plane ended up being a weather aircraft so in newspapers the soviets changed the picture to make it look like an American spy plane. The U-2 spy plane incident happened at a crucial juncture in the United States. Eisenhower and Khrushchev were planned to join the leaders of France and Great Britain at a meeting in Paris on May 14 a few weeks before the u-2 spy plane was shot down. Before the world high ranking leaders started the meeting in Paris, France, Eisenhower’s administration took responsibility for the spy flights. The U-2 incident had convinced Khrushchev that he could not cooperate with Eisenhower.

The Cuban Missile Crisis started in October of 1962. This crisis was a dangerous confrontation between the United States and the

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