How Did The Treaty Of Versailles Cause Ww2

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In order to describe how the Treaty of Versailles caused World War 2, we must first understand the causes of World War 1. World War 1’s causation was based on multiple factors, like: The immediate cause, the Assassination of The Archduke of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand, by a Serb named Gavrilo Princip. Alliances being formed and promises being made Lastly and most significantly European Tensions with the ever-growing Germany, which caused them to become nervous that Germany would expand and take over larger and more powerful nations in Europe. Many may say that World War 2 was caused by the uprise of Hitler and his quest for power. People say that Hitler was insane, and that his decision to take over Europe and kill millions were what …show more content…

The Treaty of Versailles, and all of its regulations were set in place by the winners of World War 1. Nationalists in germany, particularly Hitler, disagreed with this treaty. They took control of Germany legally through the new political path set by the treaty (which reformed them to a parliamentary style of government). Hitler’s actions, while in power, were the results of the Treaty of Versailles and were some of the causes of World War 2. These actions could have been avoided had Hitler not risen to power. The treaty infuriated the Germans and because of Hitler’s promises to make Germany a great empire once more, and break the treaty, people supported his radical nature. The Treaty started World War II with its requirements, but also it was the cause for the Holocaust, the Great Depression, and other arguable causes for the war. These arguable causes could have been avoided had the treaty not been in place. It caused large amounts of inflation in the German economy which directly affected the international economy causing the Great Depression. Hitler was only supported because he spoke out against the treaty which had a common hatred in Germany, and the Holocaust would not have happened, had he not risen to

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