How Did The South End Reconstruction

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Reconstruction Era The year is 1876 and Reconstruction is in process. Reconstruction is the rebuilding of the South. Now that the Civil War was over, the United States was creating enough opportunities that all Americans could pursue their hopes for happiness. This was an important era in American history. This showed how Americans were back then and how their decisions affected the United States of America. The South ended Reconstruction because of the KKK, racism, and lawless fear. The year was 1876 and the Civil War just ended 11 years ago. “1876 was an exciting year for America”(Roden 505). “It was the 100th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence…”(Roden 505). Reconstruction is in the process. The South was wanted and needed to rebuild. It was a big mess after the Civil War. There were a couple of known groups. The groups were Freedmen, …show more content…

The Reconstruction might not have been Grant’s concern. Hayes later became President. When Hayes won the election and removed federal soldiers from the South. Hayes was putting an end to a dying effort of the Reconstruction. The South did end the Reconstruction as well and did have more reasons than the North. The majority of the destruction of Reconstruction was the South’s fault. The South was the one responsible for the fall of Reconstruction. The South killed Reconstruction because of the KKK, racism, and lawless fear. The KKK, lawless fear, racism were major parts of the fall of Reconstruction. The KKK was a fearless terrorist group that consisted first-class, a lawyer, and a doctor. Racism was spreaded throughout America and affected the people. Lawless fear was when someone did actions and had no fear. Everyone should care about this topic because this is a part of important history that made what America is

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