How Did The Olmec Influence Aztec Civilization

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Olmec’s: Influences on Maya and Aztec Civilizations The Olmec traditions, and building style heavily influence the Maya and Aztec civilizations that would come to power centuries later. San Lorenzo, an Olmec city, being studied by archeologist Ann Cyphers is located in the state of Veracruz. Cyphers has been at the archeological site for twenty years, and has been drilling core samples to determine the depth to which the city must have been (14:09). Head 8, the magnificent colossal head that sits at the entry to the Museo de Anthropology in Xalapa (Jalapa), was found buried at San Lorenzo. Head 8 is remarkable for a couple of reasons: first this head was buried by the Olmec’s themselves in what seems to be a ceremonial setting, and second

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