How Did The Mckinley Affect The Election Of 1896

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During the 1896 elections William McKinley was running against William Jennings Bryan for president (DeGregorio). McKinley won the majority of electors and entered his first term as president (Bassett). After winning over the people during the elections McKinley went straight to work by helping the people. The time when the 1896 elections were happening the United States was ongoing depression. The depression of 1893 was extremely significant to the history and lasted until 1897. The unemployment rate was more than ten percent for half a decade. The unemployment of the people caused them to be poor; there was less food for families because they couldn’t support themselves without a job. President McKinley stepped in and decided to help the people who were poor. McKinley sent trains loaded completely with food to bring them to the poor …show more content…

He brought the idea to the congress and many of the congressmen disagreed with the idea of annexing the Hawaiian Islands. After several weeks of discussing and disagreement they fell through and decided to annex the Hawaiian Islands. In July 1898 the United States signed a joint congressional decision to annex the Hawaiian Islands (Mckenny). Now connected to the Hawaiian Islands McKinley started an effort to build the Panama Canal (DeGregorio). Also in 1899 the United States signed a treaty with Germany and the United Kingdom. With the treaty we gained what is now part of the American Samoa (Mckenny). William McKinley runs for president against William Jennings Bryan for his second term in the presidential seat (DeGregorio). William Jennings Bryan tried taking a different approach with this election, he used McKinley’s strategies from the last election. Unfortunately his strategies weren’t catching the people’s attention. William McKinley already had the people in his favor, with this second election McKinley won by a long shot

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