How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect Society

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As with almost any major change in society throughout all of human history, there were both positive and negative effects that were a result of the Industrial Revolution. However, despite the evident negatives, this revolution had an overall positive, lasting impact on society with the advancements that accompanied it. The Industrial Revolution, though it began in Great Britain, eventually transformed the world with its new technology. Vast lengths of railroads would be constructed and 6,600 miles of these tracks would be built in about a decade within England alone, proving their significance. The cost along with the speed and carrying capacity of transportation would increase greatly, further fueling the revolution along with the advancement of the human species. A majority of societies would shift from a less efficient …show more content…

The extent at which the Industrial Revolution initially impacted the people it influenced would not last as reforms were made. For example, the 1833 Factory Act, written during the rule of William IV, was the first of its kind to successfully improve the working conditions in factories, and after it more new regulations would follow. Along with safer and overall better conditions within factories, the living conditions and laws concerning housing would improve as well. For those who had more wealth during these times, also known as the middle class, leisure time became far more plentiful and with this excess wealth they could enjoy less essential, more luxurious things. This included going to circuses, playing sports such as tennis, and traveling by train to spend time in resorts away from the more crowded cities. It is true that the Industrial Revolution brought negative effects in the past, but when broadening one’s point of view, it becomes clear that many of these issues have now been

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