How Did The Great Depression Affect Family Life

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The widespread poverty of the Great Depression caused dramatic changes to family life. The Great Depression began after the stock market crash in October 1929. In November 1930, 6,000 unemployed americans work at selling apples for 5 cent apiece in New York. In February 1931, food riots begin in Minneapolis, and other states in the U.S. Many Americans lost their jobs, savings, homes and wealthy people were affected by the depression. Also, farmers didn’t make enough money because there was no rain for 3 years. The reason Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected to become a president in 1933 because he was promised a New Deal for the people. The Great Depression lasted for 10 years, and they were some difficult years since in 1929. The Great Depression …show more content…

Roosevelt did successful relief programs to the people. Also, Roosevelt helped the American people by giving dignity to work and hope. Roosevelt was the best president during the Great Depression because he helped the nation how used to be before the Great Depression started. The widespread poverty of the Great Depression caused dramatic changes to family life. The Great Depression began after the stock market crash in October 1929. In November 1930, 6,000 unemployed americans work at selling apples for 5 cent apiece in New York. In February 1931, food riots begin in Minneapolis, and other states in the U.S. Many Americans lost their jobs, savings, homes and wealthy people were affected by the depression. Also, farmers didn’t make enough money because there was no rain for 3 years. The reason Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected to become a president in 1933 because he was promised a New Deal for the people. The Great Depression lasted for 10 years, and they were some difficult years since in 1929. The Great Depression was the largest hit in the history because many Americans loss their jobs, and the people who lived through the Great Depression struggle each day until the Great Depression

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