How Did The Cold War Affect Iran

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Iran is so important because of its oil. Iran signed an agreement in 1942 allowing the British and the Soviets to defend their country from a possible German attack. This was mostly to protect their oil. American troops joined soon after. In the agreement, it said that the troops would leave six months after the war. In 1944, the British, Americans, and Soviets pressed for oil concessions. The Soviets decided to take action on Iran. By 1945, the oil situation was still unsettled, the war was coming to an end, and the American attitude toward the Soviet Union had changed dramatically. The Soviets had decided to take action in Iran. In 1946, the United States complained to the United Nations about the situation in Iran and accused the Soviets …show more content…

America and Iran had tricked the Soviets which left them very angry, and this inevitably led to the Cold War. But less than a decade later, America had done something which caused Iran to change their opinion of them. In 1951, Iran had recently elected a prime minister by the name, Mohammed Mosaddeq, which he nationalized the countryś petroleum industry, long the domain of the British-dominated AIOC. This move, however, pitted the two governments against each other in a bitter political fight. The Truman administration had tried to work between both sides, but Dwight Eisenhower had quickly concluded that Mosaddeq represented the problem rather than the solution to the crisis. They decided that they wanted him out and later he was kicked out and Mohammad Reza Shah took his place for the next twenty-five years. Shah not only gained access to sophisticated American weaponry, but also obtained tacit White House permission to forgo any serious effort at reform. Over the years, the internal resentment against the Shahś political and economic policies was building to a peak, but the depth of the problem escaped the notice of American

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