How Did Spear Thrower Influence Greek Art

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In 450 BCE Greek Sculptor, Polykleito’s created one of the most famous and influential works of art of the classical era, Spear Thrower. The sculpture depicted a very muscular young man most likely thought to Greek Mythological warrior Achilles. When Polykleito’s sculpted Spear Thrower he created the man’s body in perfect proportion and size, meaning to have the man represent the ideal or perfect body among humans. Since Spear Thrower was sculpted in 450 BCE in Greece it makes a lot of sense that the man in the sculptor would be Achilles considering at the time almost every painting or sculpture revolved around their religion, Greek Mythology. Since most of the sculptures created during the time revolved so heavily around figures from Greek …show more content…

Initially Michelangelo created the sculpture for the buttress of a Vatican cathedral; however, the work of art was so beautiful and powerful that the city displayed it in the city center instead. Michelangelo’s statue depicted exactly what the title states, a larger than life sized sculpture of the Roman Catholic biblical figure King David. Michelangelo had created the statue during the High Renaissance period of art. The High Renaissance period was a period in art where the works of art represented self-confidence, humanism, classical forms, and a dominating sense of stability and order. He represents stability and order because he represents the Florentines “Right over Might” as well as their battles against Milan, Sienna, and Pisa. These wars showed that although the Florentines were under attack and military pressure they had so much stability that they were able to stay together even during hard times. In addition, the High Renaissance period was a period where a lot of the art that was produced revolved around religious ideas and figures from the Roman Catholic Church, so the statue of David fit right in because of his influence on the Catholic …show more content…

Bernini started out as a sculpture but soon found him dealing more in the trade of architecture; however, he always stayed true to his sculpturing ability. In 1632, Bernini created his statue of David for Pope Paul V. It was the first sculpture of its time to introduce a three dimensional composition that forcefully intrudes into the viewers space. The way the statue was created depicts David twisting at the hips giving David the appearance that he is in full action. Bernini created his David during the Baroque art period, a period that reflected on the religious tensions of the Roman Catholic Church. Bernini’s David is very characteristic of the Baroque period because it features a biblical figure, David ready to defeat Goliath. The way the statue was created it represent s a strong religious figure, but it also represents the Roman Catholic faith as a whole as well, showing that the faith and religion is also a strong and courageous faith as

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