How Did Sherlock Holmes Make The Wrong Decisions

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In my opinion, Sherlock Holmes positively made the wrong decision. From the story The Mystery of the stolen Jewel, I thing Sherlock Holmes did the wrong thing to let Custack and Ryder go. Sherlock Holmes had to choose between making Custack and Ryder go to jail or if they could go back into the world. If he let them go then he would be breaking the law and maybe go to jail. Well knowing he had broken the law he let them go. In the first place, Ms. Custack helped with the robbery of the Jewel. Ms. Custack was a maid of a Countess. Custack told Ryder were the Jewel was. Then she let the keys laying around. She should have been more careful with Countess’s belongings. Now Countess cannot trust her or maybe another maid that she might need. In the second place, they planned it all. They just had to plan it because they did a crime on crime. They broke the law and should go to jail. If other people have to go to jail then they should too. They may even commit another crime in the future. They could go out and steal something else. They may even hurt someone. It may have been the season of forgiveness, but that doesn’t change the fact that they broke the law. …show more content…

A plumber is in the apartment checking the pipes. When the plumber was checking the pipes Ryder snuck in and stole the carbuncle. A carbuncle is a jewel, the jewel that Rider stole. When the Countess came back the carbuncle was gone. So she supposed that the plumber was that one that stole the jewel. Plus the plumber had a bad record from his past so he was arrested. Thankfully they let him go if they hadn’t his family may have fallen and have struggled to live on. This was a crime on crime. So two crimes, these people should be found and brought to jail as soon as possible, and stay there for

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