How Did Romeo And Juliet Make Decisions Essay

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Fate: the sequence of events pre-determined by a power greater than ourselves. But do humans have a role in determining their own fate? A person’s actions cause them to be at fault for what happens to them in the future. The audience is made to believe that the story Romeo and Juliet was written in the fate of the lovers. However, the two lovers rushed into their relationship too suddenly, and they doomed themselves from the start. Romeo and Juliet were also too impulsive when making decisions regarding the welfare of their relationship. Although the death of the lovers is claimed to have been written in the stars, Romeo and Juliet were at fault for their own untimely deaths. Romeo and Juliet fell “in love” when they first saw one another at the Capulet party. They instantly thought their only option was to get married. Romeo and Juliet’s relationship was too rash and spontaneous to be considered real love. Juliet exclaimed to Romeo, “It is too rash, too …show more content…

Romeo and Juliet’s decisions were made solely based upon impulse and not regard for future outcomes. Their decision to get married the day after meeting was based completely on the fact that they felt a connection at the Capulet party. When Romeo found Juliet asleep from the potion, he instantly assumed that she was dead even though she still had rosey cheeks and pink lips, which was clearly a sign that she was not dead. In Romeo’s final monologue he says, “Beauty’s ensign yet is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, and death’s pale flag is not advancéd there” (V, iii ll. 94-96). But instead of checking for pulse on Juliet or see if she’s breathing, Romeo decided that the best option would be for him to drink poison to kill himself. Romeo’s impulsive behaviors costs him his life because if he would have thoroughly thought through his actions, he would have concluded that killing himself was not the

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