How Did Roman Culture Influence Greek Culture

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Much of the western hemisphere has been greatly influenced by the B.C.E. Roman and Greek culture. The Romans adopted Greek culture, in similar spirt as the west, giving way to an intertwined culture of mutual traditions, adapted religions, and their bridged knowledge of literature. The Romans found Greek’s to be admirable in ways such as gods of parallel fashion, like Hades to Pluto, and the hunger for knowledge when learning the teachings of philosophy from Greeks with likes of Aristotle. First, taking a look into Roman religion its apparent the bond of shared worship of depicted deities. According to Our Human History pg. 176, the Romans adopted many of the Greek named gods and goddesses and renamed them with Roman style names, the Greek adopted god Vesta, goddess of hearth and family, was uniquely appointed a temple to house a continuous fire that was to represent “the strength of the [Roman] republic”. “The temple of Vesta… kept the ceremonial flame of the city burning day and night… was tended by priestesses called the Vestal Virgin.” (Our Human Story, Pg. 176-177) …show more content…

Many daily customs of Romans were intended to show worship of their many deities according to Our Human Story, pg. 176, it is evident that Roman lives massively incorporated their gods and goddesses into everyday life. However, even though Romans appropriated much of Greek religion, they found their lives deeply rooted in the same morals and

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