How Did Reconstruction Succeed

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Reconstruction began in 1865, when America had just finished fighting the Civil War. Reconstruction was a time when America tried to become a developed country again. The south struggled politically, economically, and socially. During reconstruction there were almost four million former slaves, who had been freed by the 13th amendment, who were on their own and had no idea how to live alone. People were scattered everywhere trying to get things fixed, which took a long twelve years. Socially the south faced problems such as, the number of wounded soldiers there was after the Civil War was over, which decreased their number of workers that could work to help reconstruction. Economically the south faces a great deal of starvation problems. Towns were burnt and fields with crops were ruined. This delayed the replanting of crops while the prices of food, were still very high. Lastly, politically the south faced issues with voting of different races. …show more content…

During reconstruction the south needed as many men as possible. With losing about two percent of the population, this made it a lot more strenuous for the men who had to work during reconstruction. To make the tasks of the men easier they could have hired, blacks to work on rebuilding infrastructure, with pay. Also women and children could have been put to work in the reconstruction of the south. The women and children could be in the fields planting crops and when it came time, harvesting crops. While on the other hand, men could be the units that did the heavy lifting and labor when it came to rebuilding buildings. Therefore having both genders and both races work it can start to make up for the 469,000 men lost in

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