How Did Pope Pius X Combat Jansenism?

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Combating Jansenism
Jansenism was a very heretical belief that corrupted Christian churches. This essay will explain how Pope Pius X combated Jansenism. The first paragraph will explain what Jansenism is. The second and third Paragraphs explain what he did to help people live better spiritual lives, to explain to the church what the Eucharist was for, and the results that came out of it. The fourth paragraph tells other ways Pope Pius X combated Jansenism.
Jansenism was a belief that portrayed God as a “dictator” who punished you for every little thing you did wrong, in other words Jansenists believed that you will go to Hell just for a venial sin. Also, holiness was for those people who did many righteous deeds. Therefore the Eucharist …show more content…

Once and for all, beloved children, the surest, easiest, shortest way is by the Eucharist. It is so easy to approach the holy table, and there we taste the joys of Paradise (P. 91).” In addition to help combat Jansenism he lowered the age of which children could receive the Eucharist to the age of seven. He also encouraged the faithful to go to daily Mass and receive the Eucharist there, if possible, and he made it easier for those with ailments to receive the …show more content…

He asked the Jesuit order to study scripture. He commissioned the Benedictine order to revise the Latin Vulgate. He encouraged daily scripture reading by the faithful. He reformed the divine office and some church music. He allowed the use of modern music in the mass provided it would not lead people astray, basically nothing related to the devil or things that would cause people to sin. Pope Pius X knew that many people knew almost nothing about their faith which caused them to follow the wrong path. Because of this Pope Pius X stressed the teaching of Catechism. Many people who knew their Faith wanted to do something to help the church out. Pope Pius X told those people to become Catechism

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