How Did Mayella Ewells Obtain Power In To Kill A Mockingbird

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A nineteen year old powerless and poor white women named Mayella Ewells, who lives in a racist southern community in Maycomb, Alabama, attempts to obtain power by accusing African-American Tom Robinson of raping her. The origin first began at the back of an old abandoned slave cabin where mayella has lived. Soon after living there , witnesses say that people saw Tom taking advantage of Mayella. Therefore, having confessions, there was a court to be held to solve these conflicts and how Mayella’s class, race, and gender will affect her power. There are three major subjects that can reveal, to the readers, how this event may have resulted in. First was Mayella’s class, which took effect in Mayella’s role during the trial. Mayella’s class was a way to collect information dealing with her past life and her life that she has lived now. When beginning the trial, Atticus questions Mayella about her father who also had an impact on Mayella’s Power because in the document, it reads “... Mayella Ewells was beaten savagely by someone who led almost exclusively with his left…”. (Lee, Chapter 20) …show more content…

Mayella is a white young adult woman, who was seen being taken advantage of by Tom, who is an African-American. In addition to Tom Robinson and Mayella Ewells trial, Mr. Finch refers to Mayella as “ma’am” but mayella thinks its an insult and that they are making fun of her. Mayella’s reaction is expressed by replying’ “Long’s he keeps on callin’ me ma’am and sayin’ Miss Mayella. I don’t hafta take his sass’ I ain’t called upon to take it”’. (Lee, chapter 19) Mayell’s class is also not helping her gain power because she is a female and women's rights was not protested during that time. This is how Mayella’s class did not help her in succeeding to obtain

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