How Did Martin Luther King Have To Do?

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As children, a lot of people are taught about Dr.Martin Luther King and his dream to not judge others whatsoever, but what are they supposed to do when another person judges them or their community? They can’t necessarily retaliate, but they also shouldn’t let themselves be treated unfairly, so what do they do? It's a question that might often go through the minds of African Americans, Muslims, Jews, Christians, homosexuals and more people alike. Millions of people around the world are affected or oppressed everyday by ideas and reasons such as chauvinism, casteism, xenophobia, bigotry, sectarianism, and apartheid of any kind. I feel that the best solution to problems such as these would be through examples of peace instead of violence, although it can tough to try to think this way, much like a quote by James Earl Carter, “War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children.” …show more content…

Over the span of 54 years only very little has changed sadly, now more communities and even more people are treated unfairly due to their beliefs, races, skin color, and many other reasons. To make things somewhat worse, there are groups dedicated to doing these things that we see as offensive, but that they see as their right, however it is in fact their right. As of now there are somewhere around 917

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