How Did Martin Luther Affect Society

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Today I am going to talk about how Martin Luther affected society and time. Martin Luther affected the society by his 96 Theses, The Protestant Reformation and the Theology of Martin Luther. The 95 theses was a scroll that stated that the only way to get to heaven is to ask God himself for forgiveness. The protestant Reformation was the movement that started in Germany and was the teaching of you have to know God through salvation and faith to get to heaven.
Martin Luther's 95 theses was written in the language of Latin in 1517, It protects the nepotism simony, usury, pluralism, and the selling of indulgences. The 95 theses was written because of the questioning of the Catholic church practice of selling indulgences. An indulgence is a "remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven". So these indulgences basically when bought believed that God has forgive you for all your sins and you will go to heaven, and when another thing what indulgences was believed to do is buy them for dead family members and get them to heaven, which this is …show more content…

And a bunch of other theological ideas. Justification "This one and firm rock, which we call the doctrine of justification," insisted Luther, "is the chief article of the whole Christian doctrine, which comprehends the understanding of all godliness." This caused Lutherans to follow Luther. The Lutheran tradition states doctrine of salvation and grace alone through faint alone for God's sake alone. Luther came to and understanding of the justification system and as a result of this his understood that this is entirely a work of God. Luther insisted that righteousness came entirely from of yourself and righteousness is not only you it is also Christ too, Luther told this too all

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