How Did Marlon Brando's Impact On Hollywood

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“Most of the successful people in Hollywood are failures as human beings.”

Since the days of Shakespeare, actors have always been in the public eye. The ability to transform and become someone else has always been an art in itself. Actors have the ability to show us a wide range of emotion and personality that we can all con-nect with. Good actors can put on a show. Great actors become the show. One man would change the way movies were made. No other actor before Marlon Brando had such impact on Hollywood through one performance. Widely regarded as one of the best actors of all time, Marlon Brando changed what was required to be a great actor. Without his performances and acting methods, we would have a very different breed of actor today. …show more content…

He would eventually prove himself correct. During his life Brando had multiple wives, and a total of 16 children and was known to have family problems. (wiki) As years went on, Marlon developed an eating problem and gained a massive amount of weight. At one point, Marlon’s wife was convinced that household staff members were stealing food. She put a lock on the refrigerator and found that it had been broken the next day. A maid said that Marlon had raided the fridge and left teeth marks in a large wheel of cheese. A 350-pound man replaced the once athletic physique of Stanley Kowalski that was Marlon Brando. …show more content…

People demanded more actors like Marlon Brando. He was new and dif-ferent from actors like Cary Grant, Gary Cooper and Henry Fonda.(today) Brando intro-duced the anti hero to the big screen, and people everywhere demanded it.

Because of Brando’s performances in “A Streetcar Named Desire”, “On the Waterfront”, and “The Wild One” other actors would soon crawl out from his shadow. The start of Brando’s career was so magnificent that actors such as James Dean, Paul Newman and others tried to imitate him. In fact, Brando became worried that Dean was copying his lifestyle and acting method.(BIOGRAPHY)

Later in his career Marlon said that everyone was an actor. We all learn how to adapt our personalities to certain situations and people. We may not take it to the extent of a Hollywood actor, but we all know how to act in some shape or form. "We couldn't sur-vive a second if we weren't able to act, acting is a survival mechanism. It's a social un-guent and it's a lubricant. We act to save our lives, actually, every day. People lie con-stantly every day by not saying something that they think, or by saying something that they didn't think.” (Cavett) Brando used this line of thought to reinforce his type of meth-od

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