How Did Locke And Rousseau Influence The Development Of Government

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The most significant influences on the development of our government were Montesquieu, Locke, and Rousseau three of the four philosophers whose ideas and beliefs of a governments structure, laws, and protection influenced the founding fathers in the creation of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. They all back up their reasons on why they have those beliefs. John Locke was a British philosopher who believed in a state of nature and his ideas of a government influenced the Founding Fathers in creating the Declaration of Independence. Locke believed that the purpose of government was to protect the natural rights of citizens. Those rights are the right of life, liberty and property. If the government fails to protect individual rights people are obligated to replace it. The colonists started to believe that the British were violating their right to property and decided to rebel against Britain. Without Locke’s ideas, the Founding Fathers wouldn’t have had another reason to write the Declaration of Independence. …show more content…

While Locke focused on the rights of the citizens, he was focused on the good of the citizens. He believed that the ideal form of a government should be in the power of the people. In his Social Contract, he based it on the key characteristics of classical republicanism. Classical republicanism is the idea that the common good or general welfare is more important than self-interests. Although he believed in a state of nature he believes that every man for himself is incomplete and every citizen should stay focused on the good of the entire “group.” He said that the power should be in the hands of the people. When the Americans decided to separate from Britain they believed they didn’t form a social contract with the British government. This shows that they were influenced by the idea of

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