How Did Klaus Fuchs Use The Atomic Bomb

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Klaus Fuchs was a physicist who worked for the KGB. He later was recruited for the Manhattan Project and gave the Soviets crucial information for their bomb project. Klaus Fuchs drew an exact model of the US atomic bomb and gave it to the Soviets, letting them copy a working US atomic bomb. He was doubting his decision considering the level of information. He ended up giving the Soviets this crucial information knowing how bad this was. “‘I did what I consider to be the worst I have done,’ Fuchs would say several years later. ‘Namely, to give information about the principle of the design of the plutonium bomb”’ (169). Klaus Fuchs made the wrong decision to give the Soviets the exact model of the US bomb because it was a global and nationally irresponsible choice putting his country and world in danger. …show more content…

“‘It seemed to me,’ Hall said, ‘that an American monopoly was dangerous and should be prevented’” (135). However, I believe this statement to be incorrect. The US only came to the conclusion to use the atomic bomb knowing that less lives would be taken than if the war continued. They knew this massive weapon would put an end to the war; whereas, the USSR wanted the bomb so they could be the most powerful country in the world. Germany wasn’t a threat after the large sums of money they would pay for WWI and WWII, so the US was the only one standing in their quest for power. I believe the USSR would use the bomb trying to remove the US of its power consequently starting a nuclear war. “‘We may be likened to two scorpions in a bottle,’ Oppenheimer wrote in a 1953 article, ‘each capable of killing the other, but only at the risk of his own life”’

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