How Did Karl Marx Create A Classless Society

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The 19th century started out in a state of need due to Europe falling deeper into an economic crisis. The large gap in social classes influenced the quality of life for everyone. The unfair system resulted in a life of leisure and comfort or deprivation and struggle. Karl Marx made the oppressed people aware of their status and influenced the working class to come together through the Communist Manifesto. The social revolution was not as successful as Marx had hoped, although, his words and actions showed the proletariats that they have the power and capabilities to fight the bourgeoisies. Karl Marx has a lasting impact due to economists, sociologists, historians, and the sociology field using his ideas and thoughts about social class and the …show more content…

They created wealth for the capitalist because they could keep natural prices low and the profit margin was high. Overall, the natural price remained low because the proletariats received minimal pay for their efforts. The proletariats added the most value, yet did not benefit from the fruits of their own labor. Karl Marx wanted a classless society to emerge, for all to be equal, and everyone will share to ensure togetherness. The proletariats “are slaves of the bourgeois class, and of the bourgeois State; they are daily and hourly enslaved by the machine, by the overlooker, and, above all, by the individual bourgeois manufacturer himself” (Marx 73). While writing the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx realized that a revolution was necessary because of the changes The Communist wanted could not simply come from reforms or government changes. Capitalism was a stage, and Marx and Engels lead the way on how to steer clear from socialism power. It is impossible to say that capitalism impacted society only in negative ways. The capitalist class had a huge effect on history by beginning a world market and ending absolute monarchy. Marx provided a platform for the future, and wanted to end the strict control between production and

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