Adolf Hitler's Rise to Power: The Perfect Storm

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Adolf Hitler was a monstrous man who committed many foul acts. For one, he murdered six million people in the holocaust, which included Jewish people and anyone else he saw fit to kill. As if it wasn’t enough to just kill those people, he created concentration camps, which were essentially torture camps designed to efficiently kill or torture. On top of those atrocities, Adolf attacked Poland, and, consequently, started World War II ( And yet, Adolf Hitler still rose to power. One might think to themselves, ‘How did Hitler rise to power? Wouldn’t he have exhibited some form of madness or immorality before he was brought into power and, therefore, be prohibited in becoming being a leader of Germany.’ Well, not necessarily. Hitler rose to power and stayed in power because depression struck in Germany, Hitler was a natural born leader, and he used fear tactics to stay in power. So, how did Hitler manage to come into power? After World War I, Germany was in a substantial depression. After World War I, Germany was made to pay large amounts of reparations, or war debts( This in turn started the domino effect into a depression. With their treasury empty and their currency losing value, the people began to …show more content…

He killed six million people, created concentration camps to torture the people to which he did not approve of, started a war, and he still came to power over Germany. One of the main reasons Hitler came to power was because of the massive depression Germany was in after World War I. He was also admired for his ideas of making the country great again and his speaking capabilities. Once in power, Hitler remained in power because he employed terror tactics on his subject, which included a secret police that drug people from their homes and either killed or send the people to concentration camps. For those reason, Adolf Hitler, the murderer, rose to power and stayed in

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