How Did Gunpowder Change Warfare

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Nick Middleton
Mrs. Reilly
English III Honors
24 April 2018
How did gunpowder change warfare? So how did warfare change before and after the introduction of gunpowder. Based on moral traditions, historical backgrounds, and the economic/social/political effects on society as a whole. Even religious beliefs affected warfare before and after gunpowder. Many Prophets in biblical times didn't promote warfare. Falling to religious practices and morals was the go to. (Hebrew Studies). In many situations tribes and villagers would make peace through trades of goods or cooperation. Keeping this in mind, Morals and values made the use of warfare in general as a bad promotion of action when none is needed. Warfare was not only for defense but aggression. …show more content…

In the year 2050 hangovers are the less to worry about. Bigger warfare advances are more dangerous. (New internationalist). As people begin to realize the effects of gunpowder on war and how much it has changed the world they may began to stop worrying about personal problems and think of the future. The world has been changed from gunpowder and there is no going back. Time will tell if further advances will continue in gunpowders seemingly endless uses. In history the non-nuclear proliferation treaty was signed by multiple countries who made an agreement to stop with nationalism (or showing off) and look towards safety. The U.S. particularly was trying to show off power in an Arm’s Race against the Soviets. With this treaty it was said that no more nuclear missiles show be used or created for the safety of the world, If gunpowder was not invented then the idea of the nuclear bomb may have never been invented as …show more content…

Economically gunpowder has brought guns and weapons based advanced technology. As a result these weapons have gained a currency and entered the supply and demand market. For example: During WWII, food rationing was practiced to care for the high expense to simply get food and water to soldiers in time of need. This was because of the highly-expensive weapons produced with gunpowder. Socially, many regulations have been argued over, and many rights have been taken from women. Historically women had very few rights when it came to war and even voting. When gunpowder came into handguns people argued over who should get to carry them in this modern day in age. With many shootings happening everyday, not specifically gunpowder is a very highly discussed topic, but weapons using this component are discussed and argued. The control of guns will not affect who gets them. The black market will allow for transfer of blacklisted weapons and other weapons in today's day in age. (New internationalism). The world can not stop the spread and use of weapons. Robots and other advanced form of technology in modern times should be the new attention grabber as our fast communicating and transporting world gets more

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