How Did Genghis Khan Affect The Modern World

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When Genghis Khan was young, his own people rejected him, making him ‘black-boned’. By uniting the Mongols and conquering large areas of Asia and China, he destroyed the power that the ‘white-bones’ have built for themselves. Based on his past history of being left by Tayichiud after his father’s death, he ruled the Mongol people differently. He valued lives and wouldn’t sacrifice them. Also, when a soldier would die, he would give the soldier’s shares to his family, ensuring that the family would be taken care of. With justice and integrity, Genghis Khan ruled powerfully. Although he killed many people and civilizations, Genghis Khan has affected the modern world with other actions. The military and mail service were of equal importance to the Mongols. Genghis Khan implemented a system with fast riders or arrow messengers. The stations were approximately 20 miles apart. It was a large chore and took about 25 families to work a station. Stations were open for public use, yet little information about stations and where they …show more content…

With caravans of silk reaching the steppes, the Mongol people began using silk to wrap everyday objects and changed ropes from rawhide to silk cords. Along with silk like items, the Mongols carried jugs of perfume. Before Genghis Khan rerouted the Silk Road, no other leader had brought the amount of goods that he had. The more things the Mongols got, the more they wanted, including land. Mongol steppes were no longer isolated. With the Silk Road, not only were things traded, but ideas and religions. Today, we “trade” differently. Instead of the trade of things to things we trade things for money. Once the Silk Road was closed, it made merchants take trade global. The Chinese Four Great Inventions, papermaking, printing, gunpowder, and the compass, sped up the development of the entire

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