How Did Frederick Douglass Inspiring A Freedom

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Frederick Douglass: Inspiring a Freedom During a time of unimaginable change and unknown future about slavery, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick was introduce to those who felt lost and unrepresented in the public discourse of slavery and their prospect as an American. This text was not simply a calling for freedom, but also as a response to those who did not believe or argued that a well-spoken man could never have been a slave, and those who thought he should share part of his story. The main significance of this narrative is to fight for the rights and freedoms of African Americans. While Douglass was using his words and writing skills, he advocated for equal rights, opportunities and the idea of American identity Even though his owner stopped him from learning, he continued to study on his own because he learned that the most important thing to end slavery is through education. Douglass finds ways to educate himself, and he came to a conclusion that if only all the slaves can manage to educate themselves then, it would be impossible to keep them slave or to stop them from becoming free.2 He looked for a several ways to escape to freedom and he eventually succeeded to win his freedom. At this point he realizes that his freedom journey is not done until all slavery is abolished. He becomes activist himself and writes the narrative of his life to teach others, white and black how important is to be free and to gain the equal treatment of black and white under the law. The Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass was published in the spring of 1845.Douglass has decided to either get liberty for his people or die for it3. He has overcome all the obstacles in his path. After Douglass joined the American Anti-Slavery Society, he played a big role of it. He was traveling most of his time to deliver speeches to make sure his words of Freedom of African Slaves were reached and were taken into consideration around the US

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