How Did Exxon Valdez Affect The Environment

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On March 24, 1989, the ship loaded with oil tanker Exxon Valdez entered Alaska’s Prince William Sound. At 12:04 am, the ship hit a Bligh Reef and it tore open the hull releasing 11 million gallons of oil into the water. Affecting the environment. Soon, there was a storm that spread the oil more than 1000 miles of coastlines. The ship was from the ExxonMobil Corporation, so the corporation ended up paying a billion of fine for this disaster. This was the largest oil spill in U.S History and tested the abilities of other organizations to prepare for, and respond to this kind of disaster. The fishermen on Prince William Sound found lots of dead animals. For example Otters, fish, duck, birds. Also, killed the plants near the shore. The oil spill also breaks the delicate food chain of Prince William Sound’s fishing industry. Since the oil spilled at a open navigable water, the U.S. Coast Guard immediately close the Port of Valdez to all traffic. By noon Friday, March …show more content…

He was found not guilty of drinking while at the helm, but he was convicted a charge of the discharge of oil, fined $50000. Also, he has to do 1000 hours of volunteer work of cleaning the oil spill. There are over 1,000 employees, 58 aircrafts and 1,400 vessels that were used to clean the oil spill up. The entire cleaning operation took around 3 years, from 1989 to 1992. The Specialists from the Hubbs Marine set up a facility to clean oil from all the infected animals and plants. Also, they used three types of methods to clean the oil spill. Burning, Mechanical Cleanup, and Chemical Dispersants. The burning happened at the early trials of the oil spill. There were fire-resistance booms that were placed on the two lines to stop the oil from spreading. Shortly after the spill, mechanical cleanup started using skimmers to suck the oil out from the water. The skimmers were not ready to use at the first days of the disaster, so the oil spread along the

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