How Did Einstein Create The Atomic Bomb?

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in Weimar Germany he became a target of hostility, because many citizens was suffering plummeting economic fortunes in the aftermath of WWI. Einstein moved to the US on December 1932, a month before Adolf Hitler became in power of Germany & he took a position at a newly founded Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton in New Jersey. He never returns to his birth country. Einstein’s wife Elsa died in 1936, more than a decade he was involved with his efforts to find a unified field theory in physics by which it would unite all the laws of the universe & physics into 1 framework. When working on it, Einstein became more isolated from his colleagues, the people that were focused mainly on quantum theory & its implications, rather on Einstein’s relativity theory. Einstein’s theories & his equation E=mc2 helped form the basis in creating the atomic bomb in the 1930s. By the urging of Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard in 1939, Einstein wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt asking him to approve the funding for the development of uranium before Germany could get it in. In 1940, Einstein became a US citizen, but kept his Swiss citizenship, & he ask to never participate in the Manhattan Project, but the US government suspected his socialist & pacifist views. Einstein declined an offer to become president of Israel from Israel’s premier …show more content…

He was the only child & his parents: James & Sara Roosevelt was wealthy, so his was educated by private tutors & went to elite schools (Groton & Harvard). He admire & emulate his 5th cousin, Theodore Roosevelt, who was elected president in 1900. When in college he felled in love with his cousin’s (Theodore Roosevelt) niece & she was his distant cousin, her name is Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, & they married in 1905. They had a daughter & 5 sons, but 1 of the sons died in infancy. Roosevelt went to a law school at

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