How Did Clarisse Influence Montag

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Throughout the book of Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag is influenced by many people throughout the period of his life on what he does and who he later becomes. There are three main characters that have the most influence on Montag: Clarisse, Faber, and Granger. Clarisse influences Montag to be individual and to think more, Faber influences Montag to question and be against burning books, and Granger influences Montag to join his group of intellectual people. Clarisse aids Montag to think for himself and see the beauty and problems of the world. Clarisse is Montag's new 17 year old neighbor. She seems to be considered an odd outcast because she would rather enjoy nature outside than sit inside and watch TV. Clarisse is astute to Montag. The conversation she has with Montag helps Montag look at people differently. “I like to watch people. Sometimes I ride the subway all day and look at them and listen to them, I just want to figure out …show more content…

Although his job is to find books and houses containing books and burn them down, he later changes his views as he begins to be more and more acquainted with Faber. Ever since Montag’s meeting with Faber, Montag begins to spend a lot of time with him. At this point Faber begins to give advice to Montag. Faber in some sense is trying to live out his plans to burn the firemen’s houses down and fight against the governments book burning by manipulating and using Montag. Faber does joke around about burning the down the firemen’s house, but jokes about it sarcastically because at that point he had not fully gotten Montag’s to fight his cause. Faber is the reason that Montag later turns on Beatty, the firemen, and the government. He is the one that Montag goes to for advice and is who ends up completing Montag’s change of thoughts and causes him to dislike firemen. Faber guides Montag through his

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