How Did African Americans Influence The Civil Rights Movement

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The movement and movements after the legislative ruling that gave Black Americans the ability to vote played a huge role in the development of the Black American identity. After the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed the perception of Black Americans shifted. They were now more of citizen than they had ever been, they were granted one of the most powerful American liberties, voting locally and nationally. As far as the grand narrative of the civil rights movement is concerned all the work for African Americans as citizens was completed. It was at this moment that I believe that the black identity began to have more freedom in their perception of America. It is amazing to believe that less than 60 years ago African-Americans were given the right to vote. Voting I an …show more content…

Many activists began educating their communities about voting and its importance. The right to vote is what made a dedicated activist do the unthinkable for a community that was not his. This activist was a man named Stokely Carmichael who had just became the national chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Stokely Carmichael was an activist that was born and Trinidad and migrated to New York in 1952, he was freedom rider, Selma participant, popularized the term “Black Power.” Carmichael was an activist that believed that in order to mobilize, precise organization was key. He sparked the efforts charged a wave of minority voting to travel through the south. Stokely Carmichael wanted to get Blacks voting in the south so, he began his mission in Lowndes County, Alabama. Lowndes County was nicknamed “Bloody Lowndes” for the violent acts that were committed towards Blacks, which was ironic because the over 60 percent of the population were black. In 1965, Lowndes County, Alabama was 80 percent black but not a single black citizen was registered to vote. There were no black officials of any sort, not even a sheriff. I believe that Carmichael saw an event as an

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