How Clients Use Assessments In Counseling

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Assessment in Practice
There are a variety of ways counselors can use assessment in counseling. According to Whiston counselors use (2017) assessments as a tool used to measure people behavior. Assessments can be informal and formal (Laureate, 2013). One significant part of assessments is to evaluate progress between the client and counselor.
Current Skills
I have not worked with clients in a formal counseling setting. However, I know the importance of clients taking assessments to gain a better understanding. For example, if the client is having difficulty selecting a career, I would have the client take a career assessment to determine client strengths. Then, the client can use the evaluation to research jobs that would allow the client to use their strengths.
Knowing that humans are complex individuals, I know it is essential to listen and watch client behaviors. Therefore, I currently can assist individuals by helping people realize their nonverbal cues. For example, if a client stated, “I am happy.” But the …show more content…

As a result, I am learning how to assist clients without labeling the client and developing a proper diagnosis. Assessing client problems should happen throughout the counseling process. In the beginning, counselors get background information on their clients to help the counselor develop a diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Correct diagnosis of clients is vital to receive reimbursement from insurance companies for counseling services. Assessments help the counselor determine an appropriate treatment for the client. Assessments can help clients realize their strengths and weaknesses (Whiston, 2017). Helping the client understand their strengths can assist the client in building confidence, reach the clients counseling goal, and implement healthy choices in the client’s

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