How Are People Treated During The Holocaust

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I believe that people should treat others with the respect they deserve and treat them as equals. I was a well respected middle class individual. I had a beautiful wife and two exquisite daughters named Margot and Anne. Then all of this was taken from me. With the beginning of the holocaust my family had many struggles. We had our lives ripped away from us. The building I worked at had a hidden annex where my family, four others, and I lived in for more than two years. When we were in the annex my daughter Anne wrote a diary. She wrote about her experiences of being closed off from the world among other things. On the date of August fourth 1944 we were discovered in the annex and arrested. After being arrested we were taken to Westerbork transit concentration camp, and shortly after I was sent to Auschwitz. I stayed there until it was liberated in 1945. While I was in the concentration camp a woman named Miep who helped my family hide in the annex found my dear daughter’s diary. When I got back Miep handed me the journal thinking that it should be given to someone that is very close to Anne. …show more content…

Many people do not understand how hard our lives were. We had to wear the star of David on our clothes so people could know to treat us poorly and to not talk to us unless it was necessary. They forced us into concentration camps where they taunted, starved, and killed us. The soldiers took all of our valuable possessions and left us with nothing. I am truly disappointed with those who wanted to exterminate the Jewish people for no reason at

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