How Acting Changed My Life

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The term ‘Acting’ is more than just a term to me, it is an activity that allows me to escape from my problems and troubles for a short while and be someone else. It lets me get out of my head and possibly even give me a new perspective on different issues. Acting also has given me the chance to meet and create lifelong friendships with wonderful people who share the same passion as I do for the activity. Recently, I met a couple of new friends when doing a production of The Little Mermaid, we had a ton of fun and are still keeping in contact with one another.

Another time ‘Acting’ has changed my life for the better was during my first community theatre production, In-laws, Outlaws, and Other People (That Should Be Shot), I was extremely nervous about not knowing anyone and having to talk to multiple people that I have never met before, especially being the only teenager in the cast. It was actually quite different from what I expected, all of the adults were tremendously helpful and king. They gave me numerous tips on acting and being myself around strangers. Now we still talk whenever I need …show more content…

One of the main things is that I hope to continue the friendships I have made in this class, as everyone in the class is kind and accepting, also just fun to talk to. Another effect I hope it has is helping me become more confident, not just in my abilities in acting but also in day to day life as well. I struggle to maintain the self-assurance I have when acting during normal occurrences outside of theatre. When I am acting I feel more confident than I do in everyday life, it is a safe space where I can be outspoken and self-assured. I also hope to improve my skills in this class through the monologue assignment and the partner scenes we will be doing. The most important thing for me to take away from this class is new knowledge and a fun

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