House On Mango Street Compare And Contrast Essay

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Thomas Jefferson once said,“I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.” This quote can be taken much deeper, with the understanding that the past is just that, history. Of course history still affects the future today, but people focus more on moving forward rather than dwelling on the past. In Sandra Cisneros’ “The House on Mango Street” the author illustrates the idea, using her family members’ past, other residents of Mango Street, and Esperanza discovering who she is, that while the past can make up parts of a person, it does not have to be their whole identity. Instead it can be a way in which the person can develop in the future.

Within Esperanza’s family, members often repeat the pattern of falling short …show more content…

Although she may not have been able to understand what it meant to do such, her neighbors around her are able to help her find her way. For instance, Elenita, “the witch woman”, presents Esperanza of what she may be in search of in the future, by reading her palms. She finishes the procedure by sharing,“I see a home in the heart” (64). At the time Esperanza most likely did not understand how these words and her future were connected, however, she is able to take those words and acknowledge that her house on Mango Street is not enough to satisfy her needs for a home. From this Esperanza begins to realize there is more out there in life than her current house. Not long after Esperanza’s palm reading, she attends a neighbor’s funeral, where she meets three peculiar ladies. As soon as they begin interacting, it's clear they know much about Esperanza, perhaps more than she knows about herself. After commenting on how special Esperanza is and how she will go far, one of three calls Esperanza away from the group, reminding her,“When you leave, you must remember to come back for the others… You will always be Esperanza. You will always be Mango Street. You can't erase what you know. You can't forget who you are,”(105). From this point on, Esperanza is fully aware that she has the power to leave Mango one day, but the small talk with the …show more content…

Even early on she is able to see herself through everyday objects and situations. For instance, outside her window are 4 thin trees, which are described,“ Their strength is a secret. They send ferocious roots beneath the ground,”(74). Even though this vignette is early on, Esperanza at the moment finds reflections of herself , like the trees, which help her understand who she is. In this case she sees herself as a very strong person , however like the trees, not everyone is aware of the strength she holds. This shows that Esperanza has grown up and developed into a strong girl, from living on Mango Street, which carry her through her future, which will be important as she breaks away from Mango Street. Further down the line , as Esperanza concludes her thoughts of her childhood she says,“One day I will say goodbye to Mango. I am too strong for her to keep me here forever. One day I will go away,”(110). There she realizes she is capable of taking a hold of her future and not letting her rough past control what is to come. She sees that she can hold onto her past, but her past can't hold onto her. In other words she gets that her past will always be part of her, but she is too strong for it to make her up as a person fully. Breaking free from Mango Street will be the next chapter of Esperanza’s

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