House Of The Scorpion Quotes

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The book, “The House of the Scorpion” by Nancy Farmer is a 3 time award winner and a fantastic novel in the genre of utopia and dystopia. Matt is a clone saved from the burden of having a blunted intelligence. Evidence from the book supports this was a faulty move. The novel also says why El Patron blunts their intelligence; it's fully out of greed. Overwhelmingly, it seems that these things played a big part in the outcome of the novel, and why Matt is such a interesting, dimensional character in the book. In the beginning of the book, it says, “Don’t fix that one,” said Lisa, hastily catching his arm, “He’s a Matteo Alacran. They are always left intact.” (page 4) Even though they say that Matt’s intelligence was not blunted, they did not

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