House Bill 790: A Case Study

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The service delivery types that are used in House Bill 790 consist of client-centered management, case management, and centralized management. Client-centered management emphasizes on developing benefits that are client and consumer based (Chambers & Bonk, 2013). House Bill 790 is client based towards minors because although minors are still being placed in solitary, the four-hour time block within a 24-hour period was made to accommodate the well-being of minors and to avoid the dreadful effects of being placed in solitary for days, months, and years at a time in North Carolina prisons. House Bill 790 also mandates for the minors who are placed in solitary to develop an individualized plan that includes their goals and objectives in life, which is another way how House Bill 790 incorporates client-centered management (Solitary Confinement in Prisons, 2017) Centralized management …show more content…

However, these benefits and services do not apply to all age groups within the prison system. Teens being isolated in prison can cause neurological and psychological damage, which constitutes as one of the major reasons for not allowing any barriers to prevent minors from receiving the help they need (Dimon, 2014). Adults on the other hand are more prone to encountering barriers when receiving the benefits and services entitled in House Bill 790 because the four-hour period in solitary does not apply them. The level of culpability is significantly different in teenage offenders than in adult offenders (Kirchner, 2014). Furthermore, the effects of solitary are proven to be more detrimental to juveniles than Adults (Kirchner, 2014). In House Bill 790 it is evident and required for minors to be well informed about how they are supposed to be treated and the services that are offered when being placed in solitary

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